
What is NY Teachers For Choice?

TEACHERS FOR CHOICE is an organization comprised of teachers and parents that are 100% against forced medical mandates for any American to keep their job, especially educators. Right now the most pressing concern is to bring back the fired & banned workers in New York who declined COIVD vaccination. However it is important to remember that forced vaccination, lock downs and school closures can come again if we don’t form and maintain a well disciplined and continued resistance.

NY Workers for Choice

In the summer of 2022 we helped to form a state-wide coalition against mandates that now includes Bravest for Choice, Teachers for Choice, Finest for Choice, Court Workers for Choice, Educators for Freedom, Strongest for Freedom and Medical Professionals for Informed Consent (MPIC). This represents New York firefighters, educators, police officers, sanitation officers and medical professionals who all oppose medical mandates for employment. It is in our unity that we possess the power to create the changes we need.

There is a lot we have done from lawsuits to rallies. Stay tuned to our website for regular updates.

We need as much support as possible to show union leaders and politicians we are a sizable political force. We have a steering committee for the group. If you are a teacher or educator in New York interested in being part of our committee please contact us.