NYC Unvaxxed Teacher Win is National News!

Senator Chuck Schumer and UFT President Michael Mulgrew Confronted at NYC Labor Day Parade

The court victory for TEACHERS FOR CHOICE backed by Children’s Health Defense in New York State Supreme court is national news! Fox & Friends, Fox News, Newsday, Epoch Times, ZeroHedge, The Center Square, The Defender, NTD News, OAN and more have all covered this critical win for 10 unvaccinated NYC educators who were fired but now ordered to return to their jobs with backpay.

Read full report at Teachers for Choice new Substack – here

One thought on “NYC Unvaxxed Teacher Win is National News!

  1. This is great news! Now how do we extend this to all the other teachers that lost their jobs or were forced to retire? Back pay for everyone forced out?


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