1199 Healthcare Union Fighting Forced COVID Shots in NYC Hospital!

by Michael Kane 6-24-21 As Columbia Presbyterian Hospital moves to force inject its healthcare workers with the COVID shot, organized labor says NO! Look at this quote from 1199 President George Gresham in Gothamist: “Whether there is a legal challenge that we can make, or whether it’s just a pure organizational challenge that we canContinue reading “1199 Healthcare Union Fighting Forced COVID Shots in NYC Hospital!”

Introducing New York Healthcare Professionals for Choice

1-25-21 I was very excited when Liz Glass informed me that nurses and healthcare professionals have been organizing a similar group to TEACHERS FOR CHOICE, which has come to be known as New York Healthcare Professionals for Choice (NYHPC). (I like calling it NEW YORK NURSES FOR CHOICE, but they prefer and are using aContinue reading “Introducing New York Healthcare Professionals for Choice”