NY: They are coming after your kids! What to do now and in Albany, 1/5/22

March for Medical Freedom 
Save the Date: Wednesday, January 5, 2022

First Day of the Legislative Session

Gov Hochul’s State-of-the-State Address

The Capitol, Albany, NY
Rally starts at 10:30 am West Capitol Park

Gov. Hochul’s State-of-the-State, 1 pm in the Assembly Chamber in the Capitol, 3rd Floor

West Capitol Park is immediately west of the Capitol Between State Street, Swan Street and Washington Avenue

We are going to Albany on  Wednesday, January 5, 2022 on the first day of legislative session, and the day Governor Hochul delivers her first State-of-the-State (SOTS) Address.  We want to stop a whole list of bad bills (See below) and current really bad policies, like pretending that people who had Covid and recovered have no immunity, firing people who refuse the still experimental shot, vaccine passports, and many others. We want to stop bills that would mandate covid shots for children to attend school, require all adult vaccine records be given to the state and many other bad things. Politicians should not be making medical decisions for us and our children. We oppose any law that interferes with the right to make medical decision without coercion from the state, employers, schools, or anyone else.

We will be peaceful, but loud. We will not be doing any civil disobedience, and we do not seek confrontation with anyone. But we shall be seen and heard.  

Schedule We will begin the rally in West Capitol Park at 10:30 and end by 12.30. The Governor finally announced that she will be speaking at 1 pm in the Assembly Chamber, which is on the third floor of the Capitol. As of now the public will be allowed into the Capitol. Getting through the security checks into the Capitol van be very slow. 

Politics Our goal is to stop bad bills and roll back Hochul’s mandate policies. We have solid Republican support in both houses, but they comprise less than a third of either house. We must have significant support from Democrats if we are to achieve anything. In the Assembly we need the support of about 40 of the 107 Democrats, and at least 12 of the 43 Democrats in the Senate. Our goal is to get those Democratic votes. This is a rally for vaccine rights which members of either party could, and have, supported. We just need to get the numbers. We are not going to get that support if we come across as Republican partisans. We need to find the Democrats we can win over, and then win them over. 

Buses, We have buses scheduled to leave from the five boros, Long Island, and Westchester, with more to come. Cost is on a sliding scale. See the current schedule and purchase tickets here: https://www.jan5rally.com/

Directions to Albany and Parkinghttps://www.nyassembly.gov/directions/

Weather Forecast is for an unseasonably warm high of 42 degrees, cloudy, 12% chance of rain.

Security Check You must go through a metal detector and your bags will be x-rayed to enter the Legislative Office Building and Capitol. Do not bring metal objects or anything that could be considered a weapon. No knives of any kind, no signs on sticks. No bullhorns, whistles, drums or other noisemakers. Try and keep bags to a minimum. The security check is staffed by NY State Troopers. They do not mess around. 

There are four security checks. One on the State Street Side and one on the Washington Ave. side of the Capitol; one the State Street side of the Legislative Office Building; and one on the Concourse that you can get to from State Street. Once inside either building you can get back and forth without having to go through security via a tunnel in the basement of each building. 

Masks Masks are required to enter the Capitol and Legislative Office Building. You will not be allowed to get through the security check without a mask. We think masks are useless. We think masks mandates are oppressive political theater. But Wednesday is not the time to make a principled stand . We need to get as may people as possible into the buildings as quickly as possible. We have 1000 black masks with “No Mandates” printed on them. We will distribute them at the security checks if we enter the building. 

Once you get through Security, if you are meeting with Democrats especially, please wear your masks. If you show up without one you will not be heard, all that will happen is a confrontation over masks. That is not why we are going.

Signs Please bring signs. Get creative. Do not attach your signs to sticks or other objects that might be perceived as a potential weapon. Do not use images that will be used by our opposition to discredit us which includes swastikas, yellow stars, Confederate flags, among others.

Flags Please bring flags if you want, just be aware that you will not be allowed to  take them past security checks. Please avoid partisan flags, or flags for a political candidate. This is a non-partisan event. 

Property destruction, violence, or confrontations with law enforcement. We are there to peacefully assemble and seek a redress of our grievances which is our Constitutional right. We are not there to destroy property, commit acts of violence, or confront law enforcement. Anybody who is doing so, or is encouraging others to do so, you should assume that they are working with forces that are trying to discredit us. If you see anybody committing such acts, please get away from them as quickly as possible. 

Talking to legislators and staff Hopefully, you have made an appointment with your Assemblymembers and State Senator. If not, it is OK to stop in and ask if someone can spend a few minutes with you. They tend to be accommodating for constituents who have come all the way to Albany. Please be polite to everyone you talk to. Do not make assumptions about what the staff people think. They may be on our side. There are more than 25 new members of the Assembly, and we do not have a very clear idea of where most of them are on our issues. Most of them only know what they see in the corporate media so much of your job will be to explain to them basic facts about Covid, Covid shots, masks, etc. which many of them will probably be hearing for the first time. Try to be brief and to the point. Do not give them a binder with 400 pages of journal articles and data. Do not ask them to watch a three-hour video, a few well-chosen readable articles are much more likely to make your point. You will be most effective if you keep in mind that you want to establish a relationship with the people you  are talking to so in the future you can bring them information and arguments that may be new to them. You want them to think about you as a reasonable, well-informed person who treats them with respect. 


Call your legislators, Please call your Assemblymember and State Senator and schedule a meeting for 1/5 with the official or staff. 

Write a personal letter explaining your opposition to mandates to drop off at the offices of the officials below.

  • Keep your letter to one page
  • Be polite.
  • Start with a brief explanation of how current vaccine policies affect your family (loss of job, your children losing a right to an education, etc.) or how proposed bills could affect your family.
  • Why you object to the bills. 
  • Ask them to oppose a bill or change a policy.

Then drop off copies here:

Governor Kathy Hochul (second floor of the Capitol),

Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins (907 Legislative Office Building or Capitol Room 330)

Speaker of the Assembly Carl Heastie (932 Legislative Office Building)

Your State Senator,  

Or Look up here: https://www.nysenate.gov/registration/nojs/form/start/find-my-senator

Your Assemblymember

Look up here: https://nyassembly.gov/mem/search/

There are many serious threats YOU must fight:

Gov. Hochul’s “State of Emergency” 

Gov. Hochul’s mask mandate for public places

Gov. Hochul’s illegal mandate for healthcare workers and other employment

Assembly Bill, A8378, Forced Covid shot mandates to attend school

Bill A279a/S75a, Forces all adult vaccine records into a state database

Bill A7829/S6495, Forced Covid shots for college

Bill A2240/S45, Forced flu shots to attend school and pre-school, daycare

Assembly Bill A8398, Eliminates religious exemptions for work and college

Bill A3091/S3041, Eliminates parents’ consent to shots when a child reaches 14 years of age

Bill A822/S931, Eliminates parents’ right to consent to STD shots for children of any age

Assembly Bill A416, Allows the Governor to imprison without trial anyone she considers a threat to public health WITHDRAWN!

And more!!!

Look in the mirror if you want to see who will stop these threats to you and your children.

Current Speakers:

Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defense

Kevin Jenkins, Urban Health Global Initiative

Rev. Dr. Aaron Lewis, Family Church

Rita Palma, My Kids, My Choice

Tricia Lindsay, Esq.

Donna Schmidt, RN, New York Against Medical Mandates

John Gilmore, Autism Action Network

Trammell Thompson,  Progressive Action

Cait Corrigan, Students Against Mandate

Mo Olivier, Educators for Choice

Michael Kane, NY Teachers for Choice

Cara Castronuovo, Liberate NY

Jo Speakstruth, NY Freedom Rally

Abbey Ballard, Moms for Liberty

Bobbie Anne Cox, Uniting NYS

Daniel Vila, Manhattan Green Party

Julie Maury, NY Freedom Rally

Vicki Savini, United Choice Now

Rachel Maniscalco, NYC Teacher on unpaid leave

Rev. Earl Wallace, Liberty Christian Fellowship Church

Nicole Pruett, United NY

Current Sponsors:

Autism Action Network

Bravest for Choice

Children’s Health Defense

Children’s Health Defense NY

Connetquot-Freedom of Choice

Decide for Yourself

Do We Need This?

Dutchess County Folding Chairs

East End Long Islanders & Parents for Liberty

Educators for Freedom

Freedom Travel Alliance

Grassroots Homeschool Network


Informed African Americans

Long Island Homeopath

Moms for Liberty Nassau

Moms for Liberty NYS

Moms for Liberty Suffolk

My Kids My Choice

New York Alliance Against Medical Mandates

New York Alliance for Vaccine Rights

New York Freedom Rally

New York Health freedom Alliance

New York Health Voters

New York Teachers for Choice

New York State Coalition for Education Reform

NY Informed

NYS Parent-Teacher Partnership for Choice, Not Mandates

NY Veteran Owned Business Association

Parent Mind

Progressive Action

Rockland and Bergen Health Freedom

Show Me Your Face NY

Students Against Mandates

Take Action Rochester

United Choice Now

Urban Global Health Alliance

Uniting NYS

Unmask the Kids NY

US Freedom Flyers

Vexxit NY

Voices of Commack

Westchester United

WNY Freedom Seekers

Contact us at jgilmore@autismactionnetwork.org  to add your group or organization as a sponsor.

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